Urban Crow Oracle: A 54-Card Deck and Guidebook


SKU: BKFN0007119N

  • Autor: MJ Cullinane
  • Izdavačka kuća: Hay House
  • Naslovnica: Tvrda korica

Napominjemo da proizvod ima ograničene količine na našem stanju ili kod dobavljača. Moguće je da će u trenutku dovršetka narudžbe već biti rasprodan. U slučaju da ga nemamo na stanju, kontaktirat ćemo Vas. Na lageru - ograničena dostupnost

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A follow up to MJ Cullinane's best-selling Crow Tarot, this oracle deck offers readers a way to connect and learn from these highly intelligent, captivating birds.

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Ako kupite proizvod s naše stranice i ustanovite da je iznos koji ste platili smanjen u roku od 7 dana, razliku u novčanoj vrijednosti odmah ćemo dodati na vaš račun. U tu svrhu trebate se obratiti našoj korisničkoj podršci.

Urban Crow Oracle: A 54-Card Deck and Guidebook
Veličina knjige:
Hay House
Ezoterija, Proricanje, Tarot
Urban Crow Oracle: A 54-Card Deck and Guidebook

Cijeli opis proizvoda

A follow up to MJ Cullinane's best-selling Crow Tarot, this oracle deck offers readers a way to connect and learn from these highly intelligent, captivating birds.

With an ominous croaking call or foreboding flurry of black wings, crows can appear as mystical omens. We barely notice them, perched on tree branches and rooftops, dark sentinels carefully observing our world through intelligent black eyes.

But if you look beyond their „murderous“ reputation you will find that crows form deep bonds, mourn at crow „funerals“, play, offer gifts to humans they like, and exact justice by dive-bombing humans who have wronged them-remembering the faces and cars of human friends and foes alike. Their perceptiveness and resourcefulness allow them to flourish in forests, towns, and even cities alongside us.

Each card in this oracle deck offers a message to the reader from the fascinating behavior of these birds, from the sacred space of a nest to the community of a murder of crows, from the gift of a shiny trinket to the curiosity of a city crow peering into a human home.

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Kategorije Knjige
Knjige na stranim jezicima
Tarot, astrologija i duhovnost
Autor MJ Cullinane
Izdavačka kuća Hay House
Naslovnica Tvrda korica
Vrsta Karte za proricanje, Priručnici
Žanrovi Proricanje, Ezoterija, Tarot
Zbirka Tarot karte
Jezik Engleski
Izdanje Ilustrirani
Ilustracije U boji
Težina 0.34 kg
Crtični kod 9781401969899
Interes Ezoterija
Veličina pakiranja 14 x 4 x 10 cm
Kataloški broj BKHL16263


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