Going Infinite


SKU: BKFN0010317N

  • Autor: Michael Lewis
  • Izdavačka kuća: Penguin Books
  • Naslovnica: Mekana korica
  • Poveznica na GoodReads: Vidi

Napominjemo da proizvod ima ograničene količine na našem stanju ili kod dobavljača. Moguće je da će u trenutku dovršetka narudžbe već biti rasprodan. U slučaju da ga nemamo na stanju, kontaktirat ćemo Vas. Kod dobavljača

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In Going Infinite Michael Lewis tells us a story like no other, taking us through the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own.

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Ako kupite proizvod s naše stranice i ustanovite da je iznos koji ste platili smanjen u roku od 7 dana, razliku u novčanoj vrijednosti odmah ćemo dodati na vaš račun. U tu svrhu trebate se obratiti našoj korisničkoj podršci.

Going Infinite
Veličina knjige:
Penguin Books
Ekonomija, Financije, Povijest, Tehnologije
Going Infinite

Cijeli opis proizvoda

The high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses.

Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before he turned thirty he'd become the world's youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for his time. At one point he considered paying off the entire national debt of the Bahamas so he could take his business there.

Then it all fell apart.

Who was this Gatsby of the crypto world, a rumpled guy in cargo shorts, whose eyes twitched across TV interviews as he played video games on the side, who even his million-dollar investors still found a mystery? What gave him such an extraordinary ability to make money - and how did his empire collapse so spectacularly?

Michael Lewis was there when it happened, having got to know Bankman-Fried during his epic rise. In Going Infinite he tells us a story like no other, taking us through the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own. Both psychological portrait of a preternaturally gifted thinking machine, and wild financial roller-coaster ride, this is a twenty-first-century epic of high-frequency trading and even higher stakes, of crypto mania and insane amounts of money, of hubris and downfall. No one could tell it better.

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Kategorije Knjige
Knjige na stranim jezicima
Umjetnost, kultura i biografije
Autor Michael Lewis
Izdavačka kuća Penguin Books
Naslovnica Mekana korica
Vrsta Biografije
Žanrovi Ekonomija, Povijest, Tehnologije, Financije
Jezik Engleski
Nacionalnost Američka
Težina 0.22 kg
Crtični kod 9781802063516
Poveznica na GoodReads Vidi
Veličina pakiranja 13 x 19.7 x 1.7 cm
Kataloški broj BKHL19876


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