Dungeons and Dragons: Ravenloft - Orphan of Agony Isle


SKU: BKGN0004556N

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Discover the Demiplane of Dread! In her castle laboratory, D&D’s own mad scientist, Dr. Viktra Mordenheim, performs experiments testing the bounds of science and magic!

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Dungeons and Dragons: Ravenloft - Orphan of Agony Isle
Veličina knjige:
IDW Publishing
Fantasy, Filmska adaptacija, Po igri, Pustolovne
Dungeons and Dragons: Ravenloft - Orphan of Agony Isle

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Discover the Demiplane of Dread! In her castle laboratory, D&D’s own mad scientist, Dr. Viktra Mordenheim, performs experiments testing the bounds of science and magic!

Thrill to a Castle of Horrors! Following a terrible accident, Miranda awakens in Schloss Mordenheim under the questionable care of the definitely-not-lawful-good doctor, with no memory of who she is. Desperate to learn about her past, she soon begins to question what she is told and test the strictures placed upon her. Gentle Reader, the truth she uncovers will SHOCK and DISTURB you!

Shudder at a Menagerie of Monsters! A collection of lab notes detail the tragic fates of Ravenloft’s unfortunate inhabitants, in a collection of supplementary stories by writers Casey Gilly, Ryan Cady, and Ro Mediavilla, and artists Corin Howell, Vincenzo Riccardi, and Kayla Felty.

We must caution you, Dear Reader, these are not tales for the faint of heart!

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Kategorije Knjige
Knjige na stranim jezicima
Stripovi i grafički romani
Autor Casey Gilly
Izdavačka kuća IDW Publishing
Naslovnica Mekana korica
Vrsta Stripovi
Žanrovi Po igri, Pustolovne, Fantasy, Filmska adaptacija
Tema Dungeons & Dragons (Tamnice i zmajevi)
Jezik Engleski
Izdanje Ilustrirani
Ilustracije U boji
Slikar Bayleigh Underwood
Uzrast 12+
Težina 0.285 kg
Crtični kod 9781684059560
Interes Gaming, Kino i televizija
Veličina pakiranja 26 x 17 x 1 cm
Kataloški broj BKHL17355


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