Breaking the Dark


SKU: BKFN0009860N

  • Autor: Lisa Jewell
  • Izdavačka kuća: Century
  • Naslovnica: Tvrda korica
  • Poveznica na GoodReads: Vidi

Napominjemo da proizvod ima ograničene količine na našem stanju ili kod dobavljača. Moguće je da će u trenutku dovršetka narudžbe već biti rasprodan. U slučaju da ga nemamo na stanju, kontaktirat ćemo Vas. 30 Dostava do 30 dana

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Breaking the Dark, the first book in the brand-new Marvel Crime series, introduces fans to a grittier, street-level side of the Marvel Universe.

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Ako kupite proizvod s naše stranice i ustanovite da je iznos koji ste platili smanjen u roku od 7 dana, razliku u novčanoj vrijednosti odmah ćemo dodati na vaš račun. U tu svrhu trebate se obratiti našoj korisničkoj podršci.

Breaking the Dark
Veličina knjige:
Kriminalne, Misterije, Trileri
Breaking the Dark

Važno! Vrijeme isporuke ovog proizvoda je okvirno i ovisi o proizvođaču i isporukama iz međunarodnih skladišta! Iako ne možemo dati točan datum isporuke, činimo sve da proizvod isporučimo u najkraćem mogućem roku.


Cijeli opis proizvoda

Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner. And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were. They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.

To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle - but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox's new personas?

Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process. Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?

Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell's gripping and most imaginative novel yet.

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Kategorije Knjige
Knjige na stranim jezicima
Krimići i trileri
Autor Lisa Jewell
Izdavačka kuća Century
Naslovnica Tvrda korica
Vrsta Romani
Žanrovi Kriminalne, Misterije, Trileri
Jezik Engleski
Nacionalnost Engleska
Težina 0.702 kg
Crtični kod 9781529918168
Poveznica na GoodReads Vidi
Veličina pakiranja 16 x 24 x 4.3 cm


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