100+ First Words Animals


SKU: BKFN0007858N

  • Autor: Rosie Neave
  • Izdavačka kuća: Miles Kelly
  • Naslovnica: Mekana korica

Napominjemo da proizvod ima ograničene količine na našem stanju ili kod dobavljača. Moguće je da će u trenutku dovršetka narudžbe već biti rasprodan. U slučaju da ga nemamo na stanju, kontaktirat ćemo Vas. Na lageru - ograničena dostupnost

Dostava u roku od 5 dana   Vidi više

Fun questions are scattered around the pages to encourage inquisitive toddlers to interact with the book. There is a fun 'Can you find?' activity on the last page, with prompts to find objects within the book.

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Ako kupite proizvod s naše stranice i ustanovite da je iznos koji ste platili smanjen u roku od 7 dana, razliku u novčanoj vrijednosti odmah ćemo dodati na vaš račun. U tu svrhu trebate se obratiti našoj korisničkoj podršci.

100+ First Words Animals
Veličina knjige:
Miles Kelly
Edukativne i zabavne, Za najmlađe
100+ First Words Animals

Cijeli opis proizvoda

Young children will love exploring their world with this helpful book of first animal words! Every double-page has a different theme relating to the animal kingdom – such as All at sea and Splish splash! – and is packed with words and illustrations to discover and talk about.

  • More than 100 words to explore and expand vocabulary
  • Bright illustrations to engage young readers
  • Lots for children to spot and discuss on every page
  • Simple questions on every spread

Fun questions are scattered around the pages to encourage inquisitive toddlers to interact with the book. There is a fun 'Can you find?' activity on the last page, with prompts to find objects within the book.

First word books are invaluable for toddlers as they learn to talk – and are brilliant for sharing time and time again.

The illustrator of this playful book is Jordan Wray, a Canadian-based author and illustrator who alongside self-employment is studying for an MA in Illustration part-time at the world-renowned Falmouth University. One day, he hopes to obtain a PhD in Visual Narrative or Children's Illustration.

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Autor Rosie Neave
Izdavačka kuća Miles Kelly
Naslovnica Mekana korica
Vrsta Testovi, zadaci, igre
Žanrovi Za najmlađe, Edukativne i zabavne
Jezik Engleski
Nacionalnost Engleska
Izdanje Ilustrirani
Ilustracije U boji
Slikar Jordan Wray
Uzrast 3+, 4+, 5+
Težina 0.003 kg
Crtični kod 9781789895070
Veličina pakiranja 24 x 1 x 24 cm


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